Welcome to our new brand

Drum roll… say hello to our new brand!

We're so excited to share our new brand with you all…Read more about it in our blog: https://pollinateenergy.org/new-brand/

Posted by Pollinate Group on Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Say hello to Pollinate Group

Following the 2018 merger between the award-winning organisations Pollinate Energy and Empower Generation, we’re delighted to launch our new brand. We’re proud of the brands we’ve built in India and Nepal, and globally over the past six years.

However, this work ensures our brand promise is relevant and more accurate for all the people and communities we work with around the world. We hope you’re as excited as we are!

A shared vision

We refreshed the way we write our vision, which is shared by all three entities, Pollinate Group, Asha Kiran and Kalpavriksha:

A world where women are equipped to lead their communities out of poverty.

We’re also reviewing other messaging, including our mission and values, as we transition materials and content throughout 2019.

New logos

Our group is highly connected, which is also reflected through our new logo designs:

Our Pollinate Group name and logo replaces the Pollinate Energy and Empower Generation names and logos.

Asha Kiran is a new customer-facing brand in India, replacing the Pollinate Energy brand.

Kalpavriksha is also a customer-facing brand in Nepal, and is an evolution of the existing brand.

Our group of entities and how we’re connected

New fonts, colours and pattern

We’re excited to share our new fonts, colour palette and pattern which again connect our group visually. Here’s some example materials of the new brand in action:

The process

We engaged a branding consultant to complete research later in 2018 on the effectiveness of the pre-merger brands:

  • Pollinate Energy in India and Australia
  • Empower Generation in Nepal and the United States
  • Kalpavriksha Greater Goods in Nepal.

We also engaged our sales and management teams in India and Nepal to provide feedback on prospective names and visual elements.

Our team in India conducted direct customer testing for names. Asha Kiran was identified as the most appealing across the communities we serve in India, a country with 22 languages and more than 720 dialects.

What next?

We’re rolling out our new brand this year in prioritised phases. This won’t happen overnight, but you can expect to see changes in the way we talk about ourselves and our look.


What is a brand?

Our brand is a promise of what we stand for and what we do. It’s the perception you hold of us, built from a combination of the experiences you have with us. It’s more than a logo or content.

Does this project change the impact you’re having?

Our impact remains focused on empowering communities to access life-changing products. We’re excited to see how the more relatable Asha Kiran brand in India, and the evolved Kalpavriksha brand in Nepal, will help increase our impact through marketing and recognition. 

To see more about our overall impact, watch this page for our next Impact Assessment Report to be released in March 2019.

Are there team changes because of this project?

No, we have restructured a number of teams as part of the merger, however the brand project did not influence this.

Why now?

We deliberately focused on understanding what our merged business looked like on the inside, before sharing our new story in 2019. The brand is the icing on the cake of our merger.

Why am I still seeing the old brand in some places?

The transition will take time, and soon you’ll be seeing our new name and logo on our materials, including emails and letters, fellowship materials and all other communications items for Pollinate Group, Asha Kiran and Kalpavriksha.

What is happening to the Empower Generation brand?

Reviewing and reflecting on the Empower Generation brand was a key part of our research. To reduce duplication and expenses following our merger we will gradually transition Empower Generation assets, such as the website, social channels and online listings to the Pollinate Group brand.

There are other companies called Asha Kiran in India, why did you choose that name?

We tested a number of names, but the most important thing for us is what makes sense and resonates with our customers, while also reflecting what we do in the communities we serve. We recognise there are other organisations with this name, and it is purely for branding purposes.

Where can I get the new brand design and logos?

Please reach out to us via media@pollinategroup.org to request access to downloadable files.

If you’re one of our wonderful partners, we’ve emailed our key contact at your organisation with these details.

When will your website be updated?

We are undertaking a project to refresh our website in 2019 and look forward to launching it later this year.

Are you changing your social media accounts?

Over the coming weeks we’ll be updating the name, and handles, on our existing social media accounts, depending on what handles are available. We’ll communicate this via social media.

Who did the logos and designs?

Neverland Studio. They also led the independent research project informing the overall approach to our connected brands.

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