City #5, here we come!

Ready, Set, Go! – We are launching City #5: Kanpur

Our team at Pollinate Energy is excited to announce the launch of our 5th city location, Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh, India. Kanpur is an industrial city of 3 million people – people who are considered some of the poorest in northern India.

Over 85% of the communities surveyed in Kanpur live without or with partial electricity and over 75% of electrified households report daily power cuts. Families are forced to burn kerosene as a light source, which is toxic, dangerous and expensive.


The new city announcement comes just 12 months after we opened our 4th city location, Lucknow, proving our model is managing scale and operations are sustainable. We will be able to reach a population of over 50,000 in Kanpur and leverage the existing hive in Lucknow to start up and operate Kanpur. We predict to reach up to 400 families in the first 10 months of operations with our life-changing products.

While the mean weekly income for families living in unelectrified communities in Kanpur is significantly low at 1367 RS (AUD $28.50), residents tend to have been in the same location for an average of 50 years or more. This means families Pollinate Energy will support are of a lower risk category, and can be offered extended payment timelines for the life-changing products that they require.

In four years, Pollinate Energy has reached over 90,000 of the most vulnerable Indians who live in tent cities on vacant plots across the four major cities of Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow and Bangalore. With our 5th city launch we are on track to have a presence in 20 cities by 2020.

You can help us launch more city hives and reach more people! Click here to make a tax-deductible donation today.

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