Measuring our impact helps us know if we’re meeting our mission, and helps us plan and communicate our work.

Pollinate Group impact snapshot

People reached


Women trained


$USD saved by customers


Tonnes CO2 emissions saved



Impact on women entrepreneurs

Our award-winning empowerment model has trained hundreds of women in India and Nepal to become entrepreneurs. In a 2018 impact survey, nearly all women said they have gained more respect as a result of operating their own businesses and 100% reported an increase in confidence. Further, 79% of women said they had taken on additional leadership roles in their communities.

Approach to monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is essential to prove the impact of our work and gain valuable insights from our communities, which helps us improve our service delivery and meet emerging needs.

We capture data primarily through baseline surveys and impact surveys (before and after), using quantitative and qualitative approaches for current and future customers across a sample of communities. These surveys are undertaken by our internal team as well as fellows (students and professionals).

To improve data capture and evaluation, in 2019 we began a project to improve interview practices and systemic data collection methods6

Sustainable Development Goals

Latest impact assessment

Featured stories from our team and customers

More stories are featured in our reports.

Pollinate story Lakshmi

Long term customer turned entrepreneur

We met Lakshmi in 2013. Together with her four children, she was surviving without basic needs and doing all she could to keep her children in school.

Lakshmi was one of our first customers and she bought a solar light, a product she had never heard of before. She was able to afford the product on one of our payment plans. Now, compared to spending money on kerosene, she saves A$100 every year.

In 2018 Lakshmi decided to join us as a sales agent, to sell products that improve quality of life. She is becoming a leader in her community and a role model for other women and girls.

Pollinate impact story Sabtiri

A top performing entrepreneur

Sabitri is an entrepreneur in Nepal. Her role has given her confidence, and she feels she is a completely different person than she was before she began working as an entrepreneur. 

“I have grown as a person and in business, we receive training that helps build skills and we make connections in Nepal and Internationally too.

“My family is very proud of my role with Pollinate Group, they are happy to see me standing on my own two feet, supporting my family and being financially independent.”

Pollinate impact story Amreen

Sales agent to role model and mentor

Amreen joined us in 2013. She left school after tenth grade, married and started a family. 

Amreen wanted to work with us to be financially independent and so her sons could get a good education. Most of her income now goes to their education.

“When people ask me is it difficult being a Muslim woman working in city slums I say we must never say we cannot do this or that. Especially if it is good work. If we wish to do it we can do it!” 

Today Amreen leads the development of other women in India. She also still holds the record for selling the most most solar lights in one day: 42!

A customer with high hopes for the future

Mohammed lives with his wife, three daughters and three sons on the banks of the Gomti River in Lucknow.

Mohamed is the proud owner of two Sunking Boom products, using one for his work, and one at his family home, and expressed his thanks for the scientists who invented them. Having previously used kerosene lamps for lighting, he says that the light is much brighter, and is amazed he only needs one to light his entire house. The family also enjoys the radio feature.

Mohammed has high hopes for the future, saying that one day, he’d love to be able to buy a solar powered car.