Support women to lead their communities out of poverty.


Donate today

Donations of all amounts help us empower local women to bring products like solar lights to neglected communities.

Pollinate Group is a registered charity in Australia and the United States of America, and we accept donations from around the world.

Donations made in Australia over A$2.00 are tax deductible. For more information see our registry details.

Our registered charity name in the United States of America is Pollinate Group – Section 501(c)(3). As a result, donations from the United States may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.

For more information or to discuss how your gift can make an impact contact Biheng Zhang, Director of Philanthropy:

Fundraise with us

Your cause could be fighting poverty, empowering women or creating access to quality clean energy. Or maybe all three! There are many fun ways to fundraise and we can help you.

Create a legacy to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty

Changing the world takes time, yet every act in our lives makes a difference. Making Pollinate Group a beneficiary in your will creates a lasting statement of your care, generosity and belief in a world where poverty is left behind, women are empowered and everyone can access clean energy.

We understand that leaving a bequest is like welcoming someone into a family. Just like families, legacy gifts come in all shapes and sizes. Email to create a bequest.

Give the gift of light

Make a purchase from our online shop to replace kerosene, help children study at night and makes life safer and healthier for entire families. All profits from lights sold in Australia go directly to impact communities in India and Nepal. We currently ship to Australian residents only.

Donate now

Make a donation in Australian dollars

Make a donation in United States dollars