Leave poverty behind.

What we do

Pollinate Group empowers women as leaders of change to distribute household products, such as solar lights and cooking appliances, that improve health, save time and save money for the world’s most neglected communities.

We identify, train and develop local women entrepreneurs who serve hard to reach families living on less than US$1.90 a day. Women entrepreneurs earn respect and meaningful income and act as role models who raise awareness about better product alternatives.

We provide more than business skills and products. We support community activities to position women as leaders and work with each woman’s family to bring them on the journey.

We’ve reached more than 613,000 people across India and Nepal with access to products and empowered more than 650 women to bring positive change in their communities. Our network is committed to reaching the communities nobody else will.

Through our work, women establish trusting, long term service relationships with their communities. Our customer service focus, including after sales support, is a key differentiator and advantage to help families break the cycle of poverty.

To make products affordable we offer customised, cash-based payment plans and the default rate is a meagre 2%.

We also deliver immersive programs for students, professionals and leaders from around the world, who seek to have immediate impact and learn about opportunities from different communities.

We’ve reached more than 613,000 people across India and Nepal, empowering 650+ women to lead their communities out of poverty. 

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Women living in extreme poverty cannot access capital to start a business, let alone access the training and support needed at each step of the way. Our impact model addresses this.

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Entire communities are not aware, let alone educated, about alternatives for household products. We change that.

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